BreakSequence Enum
Namespace: Rebex.TerminalEmulation
Assembly: Rebex.Terminal.dll (version 7.0.9119)
Determines which sequence is sent by the and Send
public enum BreakSequence
Name | Description |
ControlC | The sequence equivalent to CTRL+C (0x03 - End of Text) is sent. |
ControlX | The sequence equivalent to CTRL+X (0x18 - Cancel) is sent. |
ControlZ | The sequence equivalent to CTRL+Z (0x1A - Substitute) is sent. |
Default | Default behavior of the used protocol. |
SshBreakCommand | The SSH Break command is sent. This is default for SSH. |
TelnetBreakCode | The Telnet Break Code (0x81) is sent. |
TelnetBreakCommand | The Telnet Command Break (0xFF 0xF3) is sent. This is default for Telnet. |