ShellChannel Class
Namespace: Rebex.TerminalEmulation
Assembly: Rebex.Terminal.dll (version 7.0.9119)
Defines a generalized shell communication channel API. Intended to be used by Rebex Terminal infrastructure.
public abstract class ShellChannel : IDisposable
Inherited Members
Name | Description |
Available | Gets the amount of data that has been received from the remote connection end and is available to be read. |
Connected | Gets a value that indicates whether the ShellChannel is connected to a remote host as of the last Send or Receive operation. |
ExitCode | Gets the channel exit status. Returns 0 if not available. |
Options | Gets channel flags. |
TerminalHeight | Gets the terminal height. |
TerminalWidth | Gets the terminal width. |
TreatExtendedDataAsNormal | Gets or sets a value specifying how to treat extended data. |
Name | Description |
Close() | Closes the channel gracefully. |
Dispose() | Closes the channel. |
GetConnectionState() | Gets a value that indicates whether the ShellChannel is currently connected to a remote host. |
HasFlag(ShellChannelOptions) | Determines whether the specified option is set. |
KeepAlive() | Sends a keep alive packet (NOOP) to the server. |
Poll(Int32) | Determines the status of the channel. |
Receive(Byte[], Int32, Int32) | Receives the specified amount of data from the remote connection end into a specific location of the receive buffer and using the supplied flags. |
Send(Byte[], Int32, Int32) | Sends the specified amount of data to the remote connection end, starting at the indicated location in the data and using the supplied flags. |
SendBreak(Int32) | Sends a break request (if supported by the underlying channel). |
SetTerminalSize(Int32, Int32) | Sets a new terminal size. |