TunnelRequestedEventArgs Class
Namespace: Rebex.Net.Servers
Assembly: Rebex.FileServer.dll (version 7.0.9119)
Provides data for the TunnelRequested event.
public class TunnelRequestedEventArgs : EventArgs
Inherited Members
Name | Description |
Accept | Gets or sets a value indicating whether to accept the tunneling request. |
HostName | Gets the name of the remote host to connect to (for outgoing tunnels); or the name of the remote host that is attempting to connect (for incoming tunnels); or the host name at which listening for incoming connection is about to start. |
IsIncoming | Gets a value indicating whether the requested tunnel is a reverse (incoming) tunnel (SSH port forwarding). |
IsOutgoing | Gets a value indicating whether the requested tunnel is an outgoing tunnel. |
Port | Gets the port of the remote host to connect to (for outgoing tunnels); the port of the remote host that is attempting to connect (for incoming tunnels); or the port at the server at which listening for incoming connection is about to start. |
Session | Gets server session. |
Type | Tunnel request type. |
User | Gets the FileServerUser that requests the tunnel. |