Rebex ZIP

ZIP and GZIP compression .NET library

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ProgressChanged event 

The ProgressChanged event is raised when a significant action occurs in Add, Extract, Delete or GetItems methods. Use it to get notified about the current directory or file being processed and the total progress.

Tip: For sample code, see Progress reporting.

ProblemDetected event 

The ProblemDetected event is raised when a problem is detected in Add, Extract, Delete or GetItems methods. An event handler receives information about the problem and can choose a desired reaction.

Tip: For sample code, see Problem handling.

ShrinkProgress event 

The ShrinkProgress event is raised when a significant action occurs during shrinking process (typically when calling Delete or ZipArchive.Save(ArchiveSaveAction.Shrink) methods). Use it to get notified about the total progress of the shrinking process.

Tip: For sample code, see Archive shrinking.

PasswordRequired event 

The PasswordRequired event is raised when a password is needed to extract a file. This can occur when no password has been provided yet or when an invalid password was provided.

Tip: For sample code, see Extracting encrypted ZIP archive.

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