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Communication logging
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Logging communication using LogWriter
Communication logs are very useful when troubleshooting issues at the EWS protocol on communication level. Whenever you run into a problem, a log makes it possible to see what is going on.
To start logging, just add the following line into your code
(just after creating the Ews
// create client instance
// ...
// start logging to a file
client.LogWriter = new Rebex.FileLogWriter(@"C:\MyData\log.txt");
' create client instance
' ...
' start logging to a file
client.LogWriter = New Rebex.FileLogWriter("C:\MyData\log.txt")
A sample EWS log file :
2015-11-03 17:12:58.158 Opening log file.
2015-11-03 17:12:58.158 Using FileLogWriter version
2015-11-03 17:12:58.159 INFO Ews(2)[8] HTTP: Connecting to using HttpClient
2015-11-03 17:12:58.395 INFO Ews(2)[8] TLS: State StateChange:Negotiating
2015-11-03 17:12:58.481 INFO Ews(2)[8] TLS: State StateChange:Secured
2015-11-03 17:12:58.481 INFO Ews(2)[8] TLS: Connection secured using cipher: TLS 1.1, RSA, 256bit AES in CBC mode, SHA1
2015-11-03 17:12:58.481 INFO Ews(2)[8] HTTP: Sending request: HEAD /EWS/Services.wsdl
2015-11-03 17:12:58.515 INFO Ews(2)[8] HTTP: Received response: 401 Unauthorized.
2015-11-03 17:12:58.515 INFO Ews(2)[8] TLS: Alert Alert:Alert was sent.
2015-11-03 17:12:58.515 INFO Ews(2)[8] TLS: State StateChange:Closed
Log verbosity levels
There are several levels of log verbosity:
- Error - logs error messages only
- Info - default level; logs important informative messages as well
- Debug - logs all messages useful for debugging purposes
Verbose - very detailed log for advanced analysis; logs content of communication packets
Warning: At the Verbose level, user credentials are written to the log as well.
To specify a log level, just pass an argument to FileLogWriter
's constructor:
// create client instance
// ...
// start logging to a file at debug level
client.LogWriter = new Rebex.FileLogWriter(
@"C:\MyData\log.txt", Rebex.LogLevel.Debug);
' create client instance
' ...
' start logging to a file at debug level
client.LogWriter = New Rebex.FileLogWriter("C:\MyData\log.txt", Rebex.LogLevel.Debug)
Built-in log writers
Text file
To log into a text file, use FileLogWriter
// create client instance
// ...
// start logging to a file at debug level
client.LogWriter = new Rebex.FileLogWriter(
@"C:\MyData\log.txt", Rebex.LogLevel.Debug);
' create client instance
' ...
' start logging to a file at debug level
client.LogWriter = New Rebex.FileLogWriter("C:\MyData\log.txt", Rebex.LogLevel.Debug)
.NET trace listener
To log to .NET Trace Listeners, use TraceLogWriter
// create client instance
// ...
// start logging to subscribed trace listeners
client.LogWriter = new Rebex.TraceLogWriter(Rebex.LogLevel.Debug);
' create client instance
' ...
' start logging to subscribed trace listeners
client.LogWriter = New Rebex.TraceLogWriter(Rebex.LogLevel.Debug)
Standard output stream
To log to the standard output stream, use ConsoleLogWriter
// create client instance
// ...
// start logging to the standard output stream at debug level
client.LogWriter = new Rebex.ConsoleLogWriter(Rebex.LogLevel.Debug);
' create client instance
' ...
' start logging to the standard output stream at debug level
client.LogWriter = New Rebex.ConsoleLogWriter(Rebex.LogLevel.Debug)
Logging to multiple log writers
To log to more log writers at the same time, use TeeLogWriter
var consoleLogWriter = new Rebex.ConsoleLogWriter(Rebex.LogLevel.Debug);
var fileLogWriter = new Rebex.FileLogWriter(@"C:\MyData\log.txt", Rebex.LogLevel.Info);
// start logging to both console and file log writers
client.LogWriter = new Rebex.TeeLogWriter(consoleLogWriter, fileLogWriter);
Dim consoleLogWriter = New Rebex.ConsoleLogWriter(Rebex.LogLevel.Debug)
Dim fileLogWriter = New Rebex.FileLogWriter("C:\MyData\log.txt", Rebex.LogLevel.Debug)
' start logging to both console and file log writers
client.LogWriter = New Rebex.TeeLogWriter(consoleLogWriter, fileLogWriter)
Writing custom log writers
To implement your own LogWriter, either implementRebex.ILogWriter
interface or simply derive a class from Rebex.LogWriterBase
// Sample log writer that logs to the standard error output stream
public class MyLogWriter : LogWriterBase
protected override void WriteMessage(string message)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Rebex: {0}", message);
' Sample log writer that logs to the standard error output stream
Public Class MyLogWriter
Inherits LogWriterBase
Protected Overrides Sub WriteMessage(message As String)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Rebex: {0}", message)
End Sub
End Class
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