Configuration file
Configuration is stored in appSettings
section of RebexTinySftpServer.exe.config
XML file. All configuration keys are case-sensitive.
The file must be in the same folder as the Tiny SFTP Server application.
See details of configuration file format
You must restart the application for the configuration changes to take effect.Sample configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- user credentials and root directory -->
<add key="userName" value="tester" />
<add key="userPassword" value="password" />
<add key="userRootDir" value="data" />
<!-- port -->
<add key="sshPort" value="22" />
<!-- server host keys -->
<add key="rsaPrivateKeyFile" value="server-private-key-rsa.ppk" />
<add key="rsaPrivateKeyPassword" value="my-super-secure-password" />
<add key="dssPrivateKeyFile" value="server-private-key-dss.ppk" />
<add key="dssPrivateKeyPassword" value="my-super-secure-password" />
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" />
All configuration settings
Default value: 22
TCP port on which the server runs.
Login name of the SFTP user.
See also:
Password of the SFTP user.
Root data folder. If the folder does not exist, the server creates it and puts some test data there.
Path to folder with user public keys used for private/public key authentication. Raw or Base-64-encoded SSH2 key format supported. Optional. Leave blank to disable key authentication.
See also:
Path to the server RSA private key file. PKCS #8, OpenSSH/OpenSSL SSLeay and PuTTY formats are supported. A new key file is generated if it does not exist.
Password for the server RSA private key file.
Path to the server DSA private key file. PKCS #8, OpenSSH/OpenSSL SSLeay and PuTTY formats are supported. A new key file is generated if it does not exist.
Password for the server DSA private key file.
Default value: true
If set to true, user name and password are displayed in the application. Set it to false to prevent this.
Default value: false
If set to true, the server starts when application is started. No need to press the button.
Configuration file format
The file uses standard format of .net application XML configuration. Technical details can be found at Microsoft website in Configure apps by using configuration files and <appSettings> element for <configuration>.
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